Photography has often been used to bring awareness to social justice issues and to inspire action. Today we live in a world in which more people than ever create and consume images. Photography may be our most powerful means to inspire positive change. These lessons include explorations of self-identity, community, and service.

Unit 1 - Social Justice Advocacy Lessons
Exploring Your Background and Identity
A self-portrait, including a selfie, expresses identity. Share about your family history, cultural background, and participation in societal groups as they experiment with self-portraiture.
Exploring Your Community
Explore how photography can illustrate social inequality, bias, stereotypes, and forms of injustice.
Photography and Social Justice
Learn about photographers past and present whose work demonstrates a passion for social justice advocacy.
Service and Photography
Distinguish between different types of service (direct, indirect, advocacy, research) and consider settings for service. Then find and photograph examples of them in your communities.
Building Community with Photography
Define and explore “asset mapping” as a tool for identifying a community’s physical, economic, and organizational strengths. Then, connect with community members and hear their stories.
Identifying and Planning Advocacy
Identify a community issue as an opportunity for advocacy. Work through the steps to find community partners, craft a statement of purpose, and hone a plan of advocacy.
Inspiration to Take Action
Create an action plan for their advocacy, including how to use photography to advance and document it.
Reflecting on Advocacy Actions
Document your advocacy in action with words and photographs.